
2025 Two electroacoustic works in the making for 2026 and a jazz album is due in March! Stay tuned!

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or www.instagram.com/annaeinarssonmusic 

Anna Einarsson has composed music where, among other things, live electronics, violin, saxophone and electric guitar provide sound baths for moods and states. The poetry of the text meanders into singable melodies that wrap around the pain points. In this enveloping total theatre, six singers/actors and six musicians form a dense ensemble that radiates presence and freedom. It’s awesome, breathtaking and absolutely wonderful.

Svenska Dagbladet

Anna Einarsson’s newly written work for the Stenhammar Quartet can go down to posterity as a ”minor classic” from the year of the corona.

Svenska Dagbladet

Anna Einarsson, who leads the group Anagram, is a composer, jazz singer and live electronic artist. On the new album ”Reveries” she blows the boundaries of jazz to electronica and contemporary art music in a very wayward way. And places his voice in orchestral soundscapes that transform like a dream with the unpredictability and sense of the moment of improvisation.

Dagens Nyheter

That the singer and composer has a wide palette is almost an understatement, with works for symphony orchestra, choir, chamber opera, children’s records and her own jazz-oriented group Anagram, which released its first album in 2005.

LIRA Music Magazine

With lyrics by the poet and writer Lotta Olsson, music by Anna Einarsson and great jazz names among the cast, it [Tiger says Grr] rises above the crowd. Here, the butt farts, a cat runs away and it’s sung in good night with accurate lyrics. But it is Einarsson’s music that, with a superb jazz and visual touch, best answers the obvious question ”why”. Perhaps even more important than the ”how” and ”what” when it comes to the potential for future children’s music classics.

Dagens Nyheter



Artist & composer


”Fotografen” (2024) Opera commissioned by Vadstena Akademien. 6 opera singers, 13 musicians. Premiered July 2024.

”Defying Gravity” (2024) For solo guitar and live electronics. Commissioned by Mats Bergström, premiered at Ida Presti Music Festival, Malmö, Swe

”Libera me” (2021) 8-part choir commissioned by Turun chamber choir, Finland

”Courage, mon amie” (2021) String quartet commissioned by the Stenhammar Quartet

”Fanfar” (2016)
EAM tape piece, commissioned work from Uppsala Concert hall

”One piece of a shared space” (2015)
Audiovisual performance work containing visuals, live jojk and live electronics

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”Metamorphoses” (2015)
Performance work, 4 vocalists & 4 laptops

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”PS. Jag kommer snart hem” (2012)
Chamber opera (electrical), work commissioned by Malmö Operaverkstad
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”Gold Mining” (2011)
Flute, piano, cello, violin, work commissioned by the ensemble ”Pärlor för svin”. With the support of Statens kulturråd

”Avtryck” (2010)
Children’s choir and tape, a collaboration with Hägerstens barnkör and conductor Kerstin Börjeson. Can a sound be a carrier of a memory? With the support of SLL

”Let me speak” (2009)
Audiovisual performance work in collaboration with André Sièr, Portugal. An 8-channel audio and stereo video. The Principle of Freedom of Expression freely inspires the work.

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”Plats för drömmar” (2008)

”Waiting for nothing” (2008)
Electronic music for a dance performance at SSMD Copenhagen, Denmark

”Ljudspår” (2008)
A project by MAM (Anna Einarsson with Mattias Petersson and Mattias Sköld) in collaboration with Stockholms spårvägssällskap. Electronic music made of sampled live tram sounds of the ancient Djurgårdslinjen no 7.

”Reveries” (2008)
For orchestra and Anagram (electronics, voice, piano, double bass). Work commissioned by Dalasinfoniettan.

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”Third mind” (2008)
Violin, double bass, live electronics. Work commissioned by George Kentros and Johan Bertling.
No two minds ever come together without, thereby, creating a third, invisible, intangible force which may be likened to a third mind” Napoleon Hill

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”Espacos sonhoros” (2008)
Tape piece premiered in Lisbon, Musica Viva. Work on commission. The title is a play on the word for dream and the word for sound.

”Märkvärdiga kvinnor” (2008)
Music for a dance performance by Gottsunda Dans och Teater, Uppsala. Work on commission with the support of Statens kulturråd.

”Om konsten att falla” (2007) Tape

”Viskleken” (2007)
For four laptops, 2007

”Det finns många sorters förtvivlan” (2006)
String quartet, wind quintet and electric guitar solo

”There are many ways of loving” (2006)
String orchestra and clarinet solo

”Elegi – en sång om döden” (2005)
For Sandvikens Big band and Claes Janson

”Nostalgie” (2005)
Mixed 8-part choir and instrumental soloists, music by Anna Einarsson and text by Åsa Ericsdotter

Play (SoundCloud)

”Bubblegum for the eyes” (2004)
Saxophone Quartet and Voice

”Ljus och skugga” (2004)
Music for a dance performance by Gottsunda dans och teater, Uppsala. Work on commission.
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1995    Anna Einarsson ”Längtans karusell”
2005    Anagram ”Anagram”
2007    Anagram ”Archipelago”
2009    Anagram ”Reveries”
2013    Anna Einarsson ”Tigern säger Grr”
2016    Anna Einarsson ”Tigern säger Brr”


Involved in the book ”Vägen till sångerna”, 2010

”Triptyk om rösten” in the magazine Nutida Musik. Article 2010

”Using singing voice vibrato as a control parameter in a chamber opera” – International Computer Music Conference, Article, 2015

”We can work it out – Calibration as artistic method” – RUUKKU Finnish journal for artistic research. Article, 2015

”Exploring the multi-layered affordances of composing and performing” in the magazine Frontiers in Psychology. Artikel, 2017

”Experiencing responsive technology in a mixed work” in the magazine Organised Sound (pre-print). Artikel, 2017

”Singing the body electric – Understanding the role of embodiment in singing and performing interactive music” Doctoral dissertation, Lund University, 2017



The singer, multi-instrumentalist and composer Anna Einarsson never choose the predictable for her creativity and does not let herself be constrained by genres. On her three CDs with the group Anagram she moved between wayward jazz, sophisticated art music and multi- layered electronics. Meetings between different art forms and means of communicating have been a key guiding principle for her for many years.

Anna has composed music for dance performances, opera houses, children’s choirs, tram journeys, string orchestras and big bands. Her music has been performed both in Sweden and internationally. An eclectic approach to genre characterizes most of her compositions, which arise in this melting pot of art music, jazz, experimental music and electronic sounds. To say that she has come a long way since, at the age of 13, she was the youngest ever STIM recipient is no exaggeration .

What all of Anna Einarsson’s compositions have in common is the originality, the ability to paint images in the listeners and arouse thoughts and reflections on existential questions. Today, Anna’s artistic practice branches out into four different areas – instrumental music, vocal music, electronic music, and jazz.  There have been seven albums under his own name with his own music, two of which are for the very youngest listeners. Tigern says Brr was nominated for the Manifest prize in 2017. Anna holds a double degree as both musician and composer from KMH and de Montford University, England. In 2017, she defended her artistic thesis at the Royal Academy of Music in Stockholm with the thesis Singing the body electric – Understanding the role of embodiment in singing and composing interactive music.

“ It’s always fascinating to see the emergence of a new work, from a musical seed of thought to delivery and premiere performance”, says Anna.


Life in pieces (2019)

Anna Einarsson Ensemble is a new ensemble featuring Anne Niepold from Belgium on accordion, Stefan Wingefors, pianist in Bohuslän Big Band and double bass player Svante Söderqvist. The lyrics deal with recollections and everyday stories from mid-life. The music is lyrical and melodic, experimental yet inviting, guiding the listener onwards. It is a world to dwell into.

”There’s plenty of musical intrigue and beguiling sonic bliss on Anna Einarsson’s Life in pieces”

”Auf Life In Pieces regiert eine lyrische und melodische Ausprägung und eine angenehme und beruhigende Stimmung wird ausgestrahlt. Das Akkordeon bringt dabei folkloristische Elemente ein, Bass und Piano solche aus Klassik und Jazz. Auch gesanglich ist Anna mitunter in jazzigen Gefilden unterwegs, jedoch auf der Basis des Singer/Songwriter-Umfeldes. Ein sehr gelungenes Beispiel für diese besondere Art der Fusion stellt insbesondere der Song “Sweet Anticipation“ dar. Dabei schwebt eine reichlich Menge von melancholischen und wehmütigen Passagen durch die Musik und bestimmt auch den mitunter stark nordisch geprägten Charakter.”



Tigern säger Brr (2016)

Äntligen är den här, uppföljaren av den rosade barnskivan Tigern säger Grr. Nu fryser tigern – Tigern säger Brr! Texterna är författade av Lotta Olsson och musiken är signerad Anna.

Medverkande är liksom förra gången Anna Einarsson, sång, Elin Larsson, saxofon, Monica Dominique, piano, Backa Hans Eriksson, bas och Peter Danemo, trummor. På sångerna Väntan på jul och Vita värld medverkar också nyckelharpisten Olov Johansson.

Tigern säger Grr (2013)

Tigern säger Grr – Nyskrivna sånger för små och stora barn.
Starka melodier av Anna Einarsson, texter av den älskade barnpoeten Lotta Olsson och finurliga illustrationer av Charlotte Ramel.
Medverkande: Anna Einarsson, sång, Monica Dominique, piano, Elin Larsson, saxofoner, Backa Hans Eriksson, bas, Peter Danemo, trummor och Filip Jers, munspel

”För första gången är det inte bara för barnens skulle vi spelar låtarna om och om igen.”

Reveries (2009)

”Ambitiöst sätter sångerskan och elektronisten Anna Einarsson samman elektronik, jazz och symfoniorkester i projektet Reveries (dagdrömmar) som uruppfördes i Dalarna i början av året. Nu släpps det på skiva på eget bolag.” SvD Kultur

Archipelago (2007)

”Slutresultatet kallas ofta för jazz, men här finns en lika stark ton av samtida elektronisk musik som ger Anagram en alldeles egen klang. Något som gör att de passar lika bra under Swedish Jazz Celebration i Luleå som en kväll på Ugglan i Stockholm.”  SvD Kultur

Anagram (2005)

”Plattan innehåller nio pärlor till sånger där hon (Anna) använder sin tänjbara röst dynamiskt och njutbart. Det finns ett drama i hennes röst som hon utnyttjar till fullo. Arrangemangen inrymmer små finesser som kommer fram vartefter man lyssnar om. ” UNT 2005

Alla CD-skivor kostar 139 Svenska Kronor (ca 16 Euro).
Frakt tillkommer med 29 kr. Önskas de skickas utanför Sverige kan en extra fraktkostnad tillkomma. Maila gärna om du har några frågor. Det går också bra att sätta in 139 kr på pg 214620 – 7. Maila namn & adress.

Press & archive



”Hisnande totaläventyr” – SvD
”Pippis pappa inspirerade opera”
– NorraSkåne.se
”Lyrisk dimma och oceaner”– Sydsvenskan
”Verkstan hittar helt rätt med ”Elektrikal” – Skånskan


 ”Abstrakta elektroniska rymder” – SvD
”En obändig lustkänsla”- DN
”Gnisslande filmisk musikvärld”– Hallandsposten
”Musik i ett gränsland” – Dalademokraten
”Spännande musikäventyr” – Dalademokraten


 ”Musiken bär på tankar” – DN
”Anagram säkrar återväxten” – Ergo
”Det vackra i ensamheten” – Dagens Skiva
”Välspelad Uppsalajazz” – UNT
”Vidsynt jazz” – Kristianstadsbladet
”Experimentella ljudbilder” – Nerikes Allehanda
”Eterisk jazz” – LIRA


”Instantly gratifying” – All About Jazz
”Liten mun – stort hjärta” – OC
”Utlämnande och uttrycksfull” – VF
”En mogen debut” – Sydöstran
”Undrens tid är inte förbi!” – Barometern
”Nio pärlor” – UNT



Press images

Pictures free for publication. Please include the name of the photographer.

Photographer: Peter Eriksson


Photographer: Henrik Korpi


Photographer: Kenneth Hellman


Photographer: Per Kristiansen


Photographer: Anna-Lena Ahlström


Photographer: Kenneth Hellman


Anna Einarsson

+46 (0)707 88 37 91
